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Show Schedule 2025

Please check back here for scheduled events where we are selling our shirts. Show schedule updated throughout the year.



February- Shop
We still have a shop location in Worthington, Ohio, where we can meet people for Pick Ups, Exchanges, and Shopping. Our shop is still open by appointment only. If you would like to stop by the shop to see what we have available, please contact us, and we can let you know when we can meet you, or when we will have the shop open for meeting other appointments, and you would be welcome to stop by if you like.
Worthington, OH


We still have a shop location in Worthington, Ohio, where we can meet people for Pick Ups, Exchanges, and Shopping. Our shop is still open by appointment only. If you would like to stop by the shop to see what we have available, please contact us, and we can let you know when we can meet you, or when we will have the shop open for meeting other appointments, and you would be welcome to stop by if you like.
Worthington, OH


April-None scheduled

May 17-18-Delaware Arts Festival
Sat 11am-7pm
Sun 10am-5pm
Delaware, OH


June 14-Yellow Springs StreetFair
Sat 9am-5pm
Yellow Springs, OH

July-None scheduled

August-None scheduled


September 27-28-Prairie Peddler
Sat 10am-5pm
Sun 10am-5pm
Butler, OH


October 4-5-Prairie Peddler
Sat 10am-5pm
Sun 10am-5pm
Butler, OH

October 11-12-Sauerkraut Festival
Sat 9am-8pm
Sun 9am-5pm
Waynesville, OH


November 22-Marion MistleToe Show
Sat 9am-3pm
Marion, OH


December-None scheduled




CoolTieDye Washing Instructions

Keep Tie-Dyes protected from rain until they get their first wash. There is a little bit of dye powder in the shirt that still needs washed out. If you get it sopping wet before first washing, it may bleed. If this happens, machine wash as soon as you are able.

Do NOT Hand Wash/Soak or Pre-soak your Tie-Dyes in vinegar or salt water. Warning...This will bleed your Tie-Dye. Please, follow directions below.

Machine wash, regular detergent, separate from other laundry. No Bleach Alternatives. Use Normal or Casual washer setting and Cold Temperature setting. Use fabric softener if desired. Wash alone, or with other newly purchased CoolTieDyes. To launder one Tie-Dye, set water level to small. For a bunch, set water level to high. Turns shirts inside out, especially ones with crystals or logos on them. Please do not use delicate or hand-wash settings during the first washings. These settings only soak the Tie-Dye...Instead use Normal or Casual washer settings to keep the Tie-Dye moving fast which washes away the leftover dye. Remove Tie-Dye from washer immediately when done. Dye can still transfer a little bit when wet a long time, so pull out and hang dry. If you like the way it fits, Hang Dry! Shake out wrinkles and throw over a drying rack. If you want to iron, do so around crystals.

If you have a Front Load High Efficiency Washing Machine that will NOT let you set the water level, then choose these settings: Normal, Heavily Soiled, Cold water, and Extra rinse cycle.

For future laundry care, machine wash Tie-Dye with like colors in cold/cold water, regular detergent. Use the same washer settings as above. Never allow wet Tie-Dyes to sit against other wet clothing for an extended time so they don't stain the other items. Remove ASAP and hang dry. For a polished look, iron Tie-Dye, but not logo/crystals.




Other Information

What is CoolTieDye?

CoolTieDye is a small, privately owned business specializing in quality dyed clothing items. Andrea Wei is the creator, owner and design artist for the business. After years of designing and making clothing, CoolTieDye was created in 2003 as her business brand name to sell and market her clothing ideas. Andrea has over 30 years experience dyeing clothes.


Where are you guys located?

CoolTieDye is located out of Westerville, Ohio.


How do you make a Tie Dye?

We don't offer information on how to Tie Dye, but the Dharma Trading Company has good introductory instructions and supplies. Please see their website at www.dharmatrading.com for more information.





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